DPhil Thesis: The Metaphysics of Properties and Relations
This thesis explores a range of issues in the metaphysics of properties and relations. Chapters 1 to 4 develop stances on the central problems, such as the relation regress, the immanence-transcendence debate, the universal-particular distinction, and theories of objects on which properties are held to be parts or constituents of their bearers. Chapters 5 to 7 introduce a shift to higher-order metaphysics, motivated by a property-theoretic version of Russell’s paradox for sets. Problems raised in previous chapters are reconsidered, this time from a higher-order perspective. Against existing views, a moderate view is developed of the signifiance of higher-order logic for metaphysics: higher-order logic solves some problems in the metaphysics of properties and relations, such as the property paradox, but not all.
Recent talks
The Metaphysics of Relations Graduate Seminar, University of Oxford, June 2024
A Higher-order Perspective on the Immanence-Transcendence Debate
DPhil Seminar, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, November 2023
The Interpretation of Higher-order Languages
Metaphysics and Epistemology Group, University of Oxford, October 2023
The Higher-order Conception of Property
Oriel Philosophy Group, Oriel College, University of Oxford, June 2023